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Individual customers who seek for an immediate assistance or short to medium term support regarding workplace wellbeing:
  • People who are taking care of their mental health at work and want to increase their work-life balance, productivity, and well-being 

  • People experiencing tough time, general and job-related stress and/or are in danger of a burnout 

  • People serving in high stress industries such as finance, law, management consulting and healthcare and/or fulfilling demanding roles, such as entrepreneurs, executives, startup founders etc. 

  • People living in remote or underserved areas and/or who can not leave home due to illness, pandemics and other emergencies, or mobility restrictions 

  • People who want to have a conversation with someone (who is trustworthy, listens actively and never judges regarding mental health and well-being topics) but have nobody available. 

Institutions and organizations, which are focused on and/or impacted by emotional health and wellbeing challenges at work:​


  • Healthcare providers/insurers willing to adopt an alternative, less costly solutions and support a preventive approach towards mental health and wellbeing of their customer

  • Mental Health Practitioners, who need a solution for the initial assessment and evaluation of their customers’ needs and a streamlined easy solution to communicate with them.

  • Employers who, have sophisticated company policy taking care of their employees’ mental health. 

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